This was the second peak of today’s hike (Motta Grande- Scrigno di Poltrinone- Motto di Levén) and was also the actual objective of the day when we started off in the morning.
The Scrigno di Poltrinone stands exactly in the middle of the Valle Morobbia and gives a 360° view of your surroundings. No lie, it’s probably one of the best views of all peaks I’ve been on until now even if it’s not that high.
To reach it, the way when coming from Motta Grande is more or less completely off-path and very steep. There even is a moment right before the summit where you will need to use your hands as can be seen on picture 6 below.
The peak is listed at page 238 of the 5th Book of the CAS Guides about the Ticino-Region (Guida alle Prealpi ticinesi) and the completely off-path route we took (after having arrived at Alpe Poltrinetto on path Nr. 238) was Nr. 234, which is explained at page 238.
Level: T3+
With Pierpaolo