Motto di Levén (CH) - 2 022 meters

Nr 79

This was the third peak of today’s hike (Motta Grande - Scrigno di Poltrinone - Motto di Levén).


My companion for the day (Pierpaolo) was too tired to reach it with me and preferred to take a quick nap at Bocchetta di Poltrinone (1850 meters above the sea).

Even if we had already 4 hours of hiking behind us, i was feeling extremely energised and I felt that it was the perfect moment to try my first trail-run, I therefore decided to leave my backpack there with him under a tree.

It was only a 20 minutes run up to the peak and I was wearing some heavy shoes.. BUT.. it was surprisingly… great.

I had great fun and probably felt for the first time, what all these folks feel when running around in the woods.. I might do more of it in the future.


The peak is listed at page 235 of the 5th Book of the CAS Guides about the Ticino-Region (Guida alle Prealpi ticinesi) and the paths I ran up from Bocchetta di Poltrinone were Nr. 244 and Nr. 229 explained in the same book.

Beautiful view from the top but surely not as good as from the higher ones which are just behind it. Having said that, to the north the view is open and gives the great views you see below.



Level: T2+