This was the 1st peak out of 3 (Moncucco, Monte Lema, Motto Croce) we had programmed
for today. The second one, Monte Lema, was already in the list of my reached summits and it's always worth a visit.
This peak which is also known as Cücch, was Katrin's 50st peak. We celebrated it with the same flag I used for my first 50 summits :-)
The views from up here are almost as god as the ones from Monte Lema because you find yourself exactly in the middle between the two main lakes of this region: Lago
di Lugano and Lago Maggiore.
The peak is listed on page 493 of the 5th CAS Volume about the region of Ticino (Guida alle prealpi
ticinesi). We walked up from Astano following paths 743 and 746 explained on pages 494 and 496. It took us more or less 2,5 hours.
Level: T2
With Katrin